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El Paso High School

"The Tattler"


Name Index

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Name Index
Last Name First Middle   Title Page
Abbott Edward W
Student 44, 93
Abdou Isabel

Student 67, 165, 166
Abdou Martha

Student 60, 110, 165
Abraham Anees

Student 49, 54
Abraham Elsie / Elisa

Student 66, 110
Abraham Mary

Student 110, 167
Ackerman Annie

Student 79, 110
Ackerman Sarah

Student 67
Adams Corinne

Student 110
Adams Ethel

Student 79
Aguilar Raul

Student 161
Aguirre Alfonso

Student 76
Akeroyd Margaret Stevens
Student 31, 35, 122
Alacon Lupe

Student 71
Allen Alice

Student 70
Allen Gladys Inez
Student 59, 61, 101, 122
Allen Myron

Student 67, 73, 95, 107, 120
Allen Ralph

Student 70, 94
Allison Gwendolyn

Student 70
Alonzo Mathilde

Faculty - Spanish 20
Anderson Helen

Student 42, 101
Anderson Jean

Student 59
Anderson Walter

Student 78
Andreas Anita

Student 41
Apodaca Lela

Student 70
Aranda Elvira

Student 78
Aranda Evalina

Student 76
Archer Bertha Hennah
Student 45, 54, 106
Arguellis Alfredo

Student 78
Arina Solomon

Student 66
Armstrong Aileen

Student 76
Armstrong Brevis

Student 96
Armstrong Clarence

Student 78
Armstrong Dorothy

Student 66
Armstrong John

Student 89
Armstrong Kitty

Student 71
Arnold Alice

Student 166
Arnold Lita

Student 67
Arrendondo Lupe

Student 78
Arroyo Alice

Student 61, 110, 165, 167
Arunda Evalina

Student 110
Avina Solomon

Student 95
Ayub Lillian

Student 78
Ayub Olga

Student 80
Bacon Billey

Student 76
Badouh Fred

Student 76, 81
Badouh Louise

Student 78
Bagge Lyman

Student 70, 95
Bailey Grace

Student 67
Bailey Homer

Student 56
Bailey Newton

Student 51, 89, 97
Bailey Robert

Student 39, 94, 118
Bain Iweta

Student 66
Baker Alta

Student 76
Baker Fred

Faculty - Manual Training 20
Baker Mary

Student 70
Balcorta Rosario / Rosaria

Student 71, 110
Baldridge Harold

Student 91
Banes Wiley

Student 64, 93
Barber Barbara

Student 76, 165
Barber Eleanor

Student 64
Barberri Selma

Student 110
Barboglio Mary

Student 78
Barnes Thomas

Student 92
Barnett Jack

Student 77
Barnett Margaret

Student 76
Barnwell June

Student 70, 166
Barratt Dorothy Louise
Student 39
Barrett Conrad

Student 71, 95
Barron Evelyn

Student 38, 101, 112
Barrow Ruth

Student 76, 110, 165, 167
Bartlett William / Bill Tyler
Student 48, 89, 161
Bauer Fred

Student 95
Beddow Alice

Student 71
Bellman Dorothy

Student 77, 110
Bellman Ethel

Student 79, 110
Bennett Donald

Student 40
Bennett Florence

Student 71, 168
Bennett Frank

Student 67
Bennett Madeline

Student 64
Benold August

Student 94
Benton Helen

Student 112
Benton Jess

Student 71
Berry O J
Student 64
Bertrand Hilda

Student 77
Bertrand Leah

Student 70
Bethencourt Anna

Student 64
Bethencourt Frank

Student 67
Bevan / Bevans Stewart

Student 93, 107
Beynon Abbie Elizabeth
Faculty - Head of Commercial Dept 20
Biard Houston

Student 70, 93
Bickle Douglas

Student 64
Billard Louise

Student 60, 109, 165
Binkley Hamilton

Student 64, 155, 161
Birkmeyer Joe

Student 161
Bishop Paul

Student 95
Blackman Roslyn

Student 64
Blake William

English Poet 9
Blanchard Ruth

Student 70
Blanton Evelyn

Student 79
Blaugrund Sidney

Student 67
Bleecker Goldie

Student 71
Blumenthal Harry

Faculty 2
Bohannon Ray

Student 70
Bolton Leah

Student 70
Boone J B
Student 71
Boray Pablo

Student 66
Borberi Selma

Student 79
Borcherding Arthur

Student 79
Boswell Naomi

Student 110, 115, 167
Boswell Philip

Student 77
Bothe Arthur

Student 61, 147, 148, 153
Bourland John

Student 79
Bowden Rivers

Student 79
Bowhay Evelyn

Student 71
Boyd Hortense

Student 70
Boynton Marjorie

Student 51
Bradley Carl

Student 39
Braidfoot Grace

Student 77
Braidfoot Oreane

Student 43
Braly Mary Elizabeth
Student 71
Braly Nowlin

Student 37
Braswell Emma A
Faculty - Mathematics 20
Brazel Jesse

Student 71
Bremerman / Bremmerman Rever / Reever

Student 77, 161
Brennand Jack

Student 71
Brennand Jess

Student 96, 119, 147, 149
Brennand Judd

Student 77
Brent Claude

Student 52, 118
Brewer Blanche

Student 70
Brewer Eugene

Student 71
Brewer Maxine

Student 71
Brick Stella

Faculty - Commerce 20
Bridge Gladys

Student 78
Brient Ellen Friske
Student 47
Briggs Ellis

Student 76, 161
Briggs Irene

Student 77
Briggs Irian

Student 161
Brightman Naomi

Student 70, 115
Brill Aaron

Student 71, 161
Brinkman Lana E
Student 30
Broaddus Herbert

Student 64, 91
Broaddus Horace

Student 50, 96
Brock Amos

Student 64, 112
Brock Charles

Student 112
Broderson George

Student 92
Bromberg Sidney

Student 70
Bronson Jessie

Student 70
Brooks Eugene

Student 67
Brooks Ida Mae
Student 71
Browberg Bertha

Student 77
Brown Brisbane H
Faculty - Head of ROTC Dept 20, 85, 111
Brown Frank G
Student 40, 54, 92
Brown Joe William Jr Student 50, 54, 87, 111, 115
Brown Laura

Student 110
Brown Marvin

Student 79
Brown Velma

Student 77
Brownfiled Elizabeth

Student 67
Browning Edmund

Student 77
Browning Paul

Student 64
Bryant Betsy

Student 47, 54
Bryant James

Student 70
Buchanan Contance

Student 59
Buck Susan

Faculty - Hisory 20
Bulger Larry

Student 89
Burnett George

Student 71, 118
Burton Harry D
Student 36, 54, 95
Burton Jim

Student 56, 92
Burton Martha

Student 67
Buvens Howard

Student 70
Byrd Paul

Student 71
Caldera Delfina

Student 77
Calderan Reuben

Student 70
Calderon Miguel

Student 79
Caldwell Frances

Student 78, 106
Caldwell Margarette

Student 70
Cameron Betty

Student 77
Cameron David

Student 37, 92, 101
Campbell Carlos

Student 89
Campbell Fletcher C
Faculty - Mathematics 20
Campbell Harold

Student 79
Campbell Louise

Student 45
Camphuis George
Jr Student 44
Carcina Fernando

Student 71
Carpenter Mildred

Student 54
Carranza Octavo L
Student 71, 73, 107
Carrillo Hidalgo

Student 67
Carter Bryce / Brice

Student 41, 89
Carter Otis

Student 71
Casas Estella

Student 71
Cass Carrie

Student 57
Cass Nathan

Student 71
Casselberry Frances

Student 98
Cassels Inez Elizabeth
Student 31, 35, 122
Castaneda Bertha

Student 79
Castorina Salvador

Student 80
Cauthen J L
Student 71, 95
Caylor Myrtle

Student 59
Cetti Robert

Student 64
Chambers John

Student 40, 54
Chamness Erle Wesley
Student 67
Chaney Guy

Student 71
Chapin John

Student 67
Charles Charlene

Student 30, 34
Charles Cordelia

Student 57, 61, 92, 98, 166
Chavez Margaret

Student 64
Chavez Santiago

Student 77
Chew Lun Kee
Student 67, 95
Child Arturo

Student 67, 73, 122
Cisneros Vicenta

Student 66
Clark Garland

Student 78
Clark Gertrude

Student 70
Clauton Ada Ruth
Student 77
Cleaveland Eleanor

Student 67, 109
Clements Melvin

Student 70
Cleveland James

Student 104
Clifford Helen

Student 71, 165
Clough Mildred

Student 67
Clyne Edward

Student 64
Cobb Cleo

Student 70
Coblentz Luther

Faculty - Physical Education and Coach 21, 99, 142, 147, 153, 155, 161
Coblentz William Jenning

Cochrane Lucy

Student 70
Coffee Maggie

Faculty - Mathematics 21
Coffin Rebekah

Faculty - Mathematics 28
Cohen Andy

Coach 143, 147, 155
Cohen Mildred Beatrice
Student 47, 54, 121, 122
Cole J Dillon
Student 40, 54, 96, 97
Cole Ralph

Student 58, 95
Coleman Ed

Student 76, 162
Collins Rex

Student 61
Collins Walter

Student 44, 54, 147, 152, 155, 158, 161
Colt Bill

Student 67
Compton Alfred

Student 77
Condon Minnie Lane
Student 67, 114
Conring Carnille

Student 59
Cooke Robert Langdon
Student 45, 54
Cooley Marian

Student 71, 166
Cooley W S
Student 70
Cope Edward

Student 71
Copenhaver Virginia

Student 66
Corcoran Catherine

Student 67, 114
Cordero Carlos

Student 78
Corlett Sheik

Student 161
Corlett Willard

Student 60, 89
Corona Mike

Student 61, 119, 155, 158, 161
Coulehan Jack

Student 67, 90
Coulehan Tom

Student 60
Cound George

Student 119, 163
Cound William / Willie

Student 70, 119, 163
Courville Helen Park
Faculty - Science 21
Cowherd Margaret

Student 31
Cox Hazel

Student 42
Coyle Elizabeth Ann
Student 70
Craig Kathryn

Student 77
Crawford Charlotte

Student 114
Crawford Mack

Student 79
Crawley J

Student 95
Cregor Eugene

Student 64
Crockett David

Student 71
Crockett Helen Lorraine
Student 36, 95, 98, 104
Crow Harry

Student 64, 87
Crowder Lulene Fantella
Student 42, 54
Crowder Winifred

Student 64
Crowell Elizabeth

Student 56, 168
Crowley Joe

Student 79
Crownover Doris

Student 32
Cruze James
Jr Student 44
Crysler Mae

Student 67, 73, 109, 165, 167
Cuen Gloria

Student 69
Cuen Jesus

Student 90
Culbreath Annette

Student 79, 81
Cunningham Louise

Student 61, 110, 167
Cunningham Mary Louise
Student 67
Cunningham Robert

Student 67, 73, 104
Curd Willa

Student 30
Curry Tom

Student 44, 92
Cushing Martha

Student 67, 114
Daniel Elizabeth

Student 64
Daugherty Donald

Student 79
Daugherty Louise

Student 52
Daugherty Mae

Student 43
Daugherty Wilfred

Student 77
Davis Gates

Student 67, 73, 90
Davis Inez

Student 67
Davis Lynn B
Principal 7, 8, 19, 103, 147
Davis Margaret

Student 70
Davis Mrs Lynn B
Attendence Clerk 18, 98, 111
Davis Ralph

Student 57, 95, 120
Dawson "Dog"

Star end of S. M. U. 99
Dawson Eleanor

Student 64
Deakins Glenn

Student 91
Deauble George

Student 60
Deauble Louis

Student 161
DeLong Rupert

Student 79
Denton Raymond

Student 65, 95
Des Autels Van

Student 62, 74, 77, 81, 82, 119, 145, 146, 154, 160
DeuPree Nora

Faculty - Commerce 21, 109
Dewey Mary Jordan
Faculty - Head of Cafeteria 21, 123
Diamond Ester

Student 79
Diamond Sadie

Student 71
Diaz Madolina

Student 64
Diaz Marguerita

Student 71
Dickerson Jack

Student 79, 95, 107, 120
Dillon Arthur

Student 66
Dillon Pauline

Student 64
Dixon Betsy

Student 65
Dixon Tamar Lena
Student 31
Dodson Lucille

Faculty - Assistant to the Librarian 28
Dominguez Monserata

Student 71
Dominguez Robert

Student 77
Donelly Thelma

Student 64
Donnelly Helen

Student 77
Dooley Jeanette / Janet

Student 65, 166
Dornak Fanelle

Faculty - Commerce 21
Dorr Fred

Student 77
Dorris Dorothy

Student 71
Downum Lawrence

Student 51, 95
Driscoll J F
School Board 16
Dubinsky Bertha

Student 60
Duchoquette John

Student 71
Duke Johnnie

Student 79
Dulohery Alice Jane
Faculty - Commerce 21
Duncan George

Student 71
Duncan Wayne

Student 65
Dunham Walter

Student 70
DuPree David

Student 64
DuPree John

Student 31
Durham Ernest

Student 51, 89
Duron Grace

Student 79
Dusang George

Student 94
Duty Edward

Student 77
Dwyer Bessie

Student 52, 61, 133, 144, 145, 165, 167
Dwyer Marguerite

Student 110, 167
Dyer Clay R
Student 38, 53, 54, 162
Eatman Robert

Student 64
Ebel Evelyn

Student 64
Ebert Martha

Student 70
Ebert Mary

Student 30, 34
Eckhardt Gus

Student 71
Eddleman Joe Dee
Student 36, 115
Edmondson Kenneth

Student 51, 120
Edrington Ethelyn

Student 65, 98
Edwards Finetta

Student 70
Edwards Virginia

Student 61, 110, 167
Egg Norma

Faculty - English 21
Elfers Burke

Student 50, 112
Elliott Daisy

Student 71
Elliott Leona

Faculty - English 22
Elliott Nelson

Student 70, 73, 95
Ellis Albert

Student 90
Ellis June

Student 70
Ellsworth Clementine

Student 60
Emik Dorothy

Student 71
Emik Otis

Student 71
Emmett Robert / Bob

Student 45, 54, 147, 155
English P X
Faculty 85, 111
Erlich Meyer

Student 92
Escamilla Morodo

Student 65
Escobar Raul

Student 61, 93, 104
Escontrias Richard

Student 65, 73, 122
Escudero Margarita

Student 77
Esperanza Eva

Student 79
Espinosa Juan

Student 77
Estrada Elena

Student 114
Estrada Leonor

Student 57
Evans George

Student 64, 73, 95, 107
Ewald Gerald

Student 40, 89
Eye Joe

Student 114
Eysmont J M
Faculty - ROTC Band Instructor 25, 120
Ezell Nancy Sue
Student 37
Fahrenkamp Gilbert

Student 69
Farber Sadie

Student 78, 110
Farquhar Ruby Frances
Student 33
Farr Pauline

Student 66
Farris Elmo

Student 49, 96
Farrow Evelyn

Student 36, 54, 98
Farwell Lewis A
Instructor Glee Club 112
Faust Charlotte

Student 60
Feiner Benjamin

Student 66
Felix Elaine

Student 40
Ferguson Grace

Student 52
Ferro A J
Student 65, 89
Fessinger Harry

Student 66
Finch Haynes

Student 30, 34
Finch Mary

Student 65
Fincher Josephine

Student 71
Fincher Marianne

Student 46, 117, 121
Fineau Isabelle Kelly
Faculty - Head of Modern Language Dept 22
Fink Rose

Student 79
Finley Dorothy

Student 69
Fisher Allyn

Student 89
Fitzpatrick Mrs

Faculty - Commerce 22
Fleager Bessie

Student 65
Flomerfelt Donald

Student 69, 120
Flores Clara

Student 71, 110
Floyd James Davis
Student 67
Fluharty Gertrude

Student 71
Flynn Catherine

Faculty - Head of Latin Department 22, 114
Flynn Frank

Student 122
Forbes Harold

Student 69
Force Charlotte

Student 51
Fort H B
Assistant to Principal 18, 107
Foster Charlotte

Student 65, 73, 122
Foster Fanny

Sponsor 104
Francis Bob

Student 80
Francis Juan

Student 65
Frank Jeanie MacCallum
Faculty - Head of English Dept 22, 53, 103, 104
Franklin George

Student 50, 54
Fraser Alfred

Student 69
Freeman Grace

Student 78, 166
Fulkerson Mary

Student 70
Gaither Charles

Student 70
Galatzan Joe

Student 79
Galatzan Lena

Secretary to the Principal 18
Galatzan Morris

Student 91
Gallager Isabel

Student 58, 117
Gallardo Elena

Student 65
Gamewell Elsie

Student 65, 106, 117
Gamewell Ruth

Student 51, 166
Garcia Consuelo

Student 78
Garcia Elena

Student 69
Garcia Elisa

Student 71
Garcia Socorro

Student 80
Garcia Teodora

Student 76
Gardner Marian

Student 43
Gardner Mildred

Student 80
Gardner Virginia

Student 40
Garrett Donald

Student 90
Garrett Lena

Faculty - Commerce 22
Gattegno Beatrice

Student 76
Geller Sam

Student 80
Giddings Edith

Faculty - English 22
Gilstrap Jessie

Faculty - Mathematics 22
Gish Euert

Student 69
Givens / Given Herbert

Student 76, 121
Golden Ira

Student 49, 155, 157
Goldman Fannie

Student 78
Goldman Milton

Student 61, 155
Goldoft Robert

Student 90
Goldstein Isabel

Student 66
Goldstein Rebecca

Faculty - Head of Mathematics Department 23
Gonzalez Alexander

Student 59
Gonzalez Belen

Student 66
Gonzalez Fidencia

Student 64
Gonzalez Josephine

Student 69
Gonzalez Lupe

Student 31
Gonzalez Paula

Student 80
Gonzalez Porferio

Student 76
Goodloe Katherine

Student 61, 165, 166, 167
Goodman A

Student 92
Goodman Bernard

Student 69
Goodman Josephine

Student 31
Gorman Aubrey

Student 71
Goss Dorothea

Student 64
Grado Esperanza L
Student 49, 54, 115
Graham Marian

Student 77
Graham Searcy

Student 71
Greer Hazel

Student 65
Greer John Bob
Student 60, 91
Gregory Gladys

Faculty - History 23
Grisson Levi

Student 80
Gryder Julian

Student 60, 64, 89
Guerrera Gustavo

Student 78
Guevara Alfredo

Student 49
Guevedo Edwarda

Student 76
Guido Sam

Student 64
Gutierrez Juan

Student 80
Student 15, 29, 55, 63, 125, 129, 135, 164
Haber Frederick

Student 64
Hackney Evelyn

Student 71
Hadlock Minnie Lee
Student 58
Hall Eleanor

Student 64
Hall John

Student 69
Hall Mary

Student 69
Hamel Hallie

Student 71, 73, 122
Hamilton Frank

Student 80
Hamlyn Edwin

Student 65
Hancock Burton

Student 65
Hanes Clara

Student 69
Hanson Leonard

Student 71
Hanson Shirley

Student 59, 113, 121, 122
Hardage Earl

Student 76
Hardie LeBron

Student 76
Hare Frank

Student 64, 117
Harlacker Eula Strain
Faculty - Art 23
Harlacker Harold

Student 49
Harmon Maxine

Student 69
Harp Catherine

Student 42
Harper Annie L
Faculty - Latin 23
Harper Clarence

Student 76
Harper Mary

Student 47
Harris Steve

Student 93, 118
Harris Thelma

Student 69
Harrison Ruth

Student 71
Hart William

Student 71
Hatchell Bessie

Student 65
Hatchell Marie

Faculty - Spanish 23
Hatfield Haskell

Student 30, 34, 107
Haugerud Aurelia

Student 57
Hawkins David

Student 76
Hayes Mary R
Faculty - History 23
Head Jack

Student 161
Hedrich Ruth

Student 64
Heffner Lyda Mae
Student 64, 73, 110, 165, 167
Hehn Mildred

Student 64
Hemley Elinor

Student 166
Henderson Gloria

Student 48
Hendricks Charles / Charlie

Student 64, 161
Hendricks Cornelia

Student 57, 121
Hendricks Marjorie

Student 56, 165, 166
Hensel Robert

Student 44
Henson Howard

Student 64
Herlin Robert

Student 65, 89
Hernandez Fidilia

Student 80
Hernandez Vicenta

Student 65
Herndon Helen

Student 71
Herndon Mary Elizabeth
Student 78
Herring Tom

Student 50, 88
Herron Frank

Student 51, 61, 119, 155, 156, 162
Herron Irene

Student 71
Herron Marie

Student 52, 110
Hervey Fred

Student 56
Heuser Arthur

Student 65, 161
Heuser Bertha Louise
Student 31
Heuser Julius

Student 71
Heuser Mary Victoria
Student 31
Hewitt T N
Student 76
Hickman Felix

Student 64
Hickox Harry

Student 76, 81
Hightower Hazel

Student 68
Hilburn Ruth

Student 78
Hill Samuel

Student 77
Hill Vernon

Attendance Clerk 18
Hiller R

Student 95
Hines Lamdon

Student 68
Hinshaw Mildred

Student 69
Hinton H C
Faculty - Mathematics 23, 62
Hodge Margaret

Student 68, 110
Hoffman Maxine

Student 40
Holguin Adelaide

Student 80
Holguin Amelia

Student 78
Holguin Leandra

Student 78
Holmes Odell

Student 48, 161
Holt Archilles Madison
Student 37, 103, 104
Holt Frances

Student 71, 106
Holt John

Student 77
Hopper Hortencia

Student 79
Hornedo Joe

Student 69
Howard George

Student 48, 71
Howell Connie

Student 68
Hubbard Harriet

Student 68
Hudnall Dick

Student 69
Hudson Paul

Student 46, 54, 118
Huffman Drexel

Student 79
Huffman Harrison

Student 96, 161
Huffman Ruth

Student 69
Hughes Lurlene

Student 65
Hughey A H
Superintendent of El Paso School System 17
Hughey Harrison

Student 36, 54, 101
Hullett Eleanor

Student 68
Humphreys James

Student 78
Hunt Emma Mae
Student 30
Hunter Allen

Student 90
Hunter Harriet

Student 65
Hunter Hubert S
Student 44, 94, 113
Hunter Louise

Student 32, 34, 109
Hussman Edith

Student 37, 109
Hutchins Paul

Student 68
Hutera L

Student 95
Indermuele Lloyd

Student 93
Ives H D
Faculty - Science 23
Jackson Dick

Student 161
Jackson Elizabeth

Student 78
Jackson Ellen

Student 51, 96, 98
Jackson Mary Love
Student 71
Jackson Mary

Student 79
Jackson Merrit

Student 161
Jackson Richard

Student 76
Jagomast William

Student 80
James Clifford

Student 71
Jarrett Juanita

Student 68, 117
Jeffers Thelma

Student 69
Jenkins Eva May
Student 30
Jerasek Dorris

Student 78
Johnson Claude R Jr Student 41, 107
Johnson D L
Student 96
Johnson Dorothy

Student 78
Johnson Virginia

Student 69
Johnson William Orme
Student 65
Jones Augusta

Student 69
Jones Eugene

Student 80
Jones J Byron
Faculty - Science 24
Jones Mary

Student 79
Joseph Samuel

Student 68
Juarez Cyprus

Student 68
Julian Mildred

Student 40
Kanen Fiera

Student 78
Kanen Flora

Student 81, 101, 122
Kanen Genevieve

Assistant Attendance Clerk 18
Kaster Jack

Student 68
Katz Betty

Student 68, 166
Keays George

Student 64
Keffer Anne

Student 60
Keim Joe

Student 34, 49
Kelly Anne Word
Faculty - Mathematics 24
Kelly Katherine

Student 41, 94, 98
Kennedy Hazel Claudia
Student 30, 34
Kennedy Lois

Student 71
Kennicott Lucille

Student 66, 68
Kernahan Clyde

Student 64
Ketchersid Ruth

Student 65
Kidwell Fred

Student 68
Kimes John

Student 65
King Burnam

Student 76, 94, 112
King Delphine

Student 77
King Harriet

Student 68, 73, 109
King Sam

Student 95, 120
Kinkaid Robert

Student 64
Kinney Mary Elizabeth
Student 80
Kirkenberger Godfrey

Student 161
Kirkman J U
Student 79
Kirkpatrick lester

Student 71
Kishman Margaret

Student 166
Kline Hattie

Faculty - latin 24
Knotts Ruth

Student 32
Knowles Richard

Student 72
Knox Grace

Student 68, 110
Koons James E
Student 87, 97, 99, 111
Kowal Richard

Student 68
Kraft H L
From Medical Dept. at Fort Bliss 99
Kramer Irene

Student 32
Krause Rose

Student 59
Kroeger Otto

Student 91
Krupp Dorothy

Student 60
Kyle Ruth

Student 43, 54
Kyriacopulos Johnnie

Student 68, 120
La Rue Azalie

Student 57
Labbe O A
Faculty - Science 24
Labrado Maria Louisa
Student 72
Lake W W
Science Club Sonsor 118
Lance Paul

Student 56, 96, 119, 144, 147
Lane Arnold

Student 33, 34
Lane Dennis

Student 95, 120
Lane Robert

Student 104, 112
Langford Lovie M
Faculty - Physical Training 24, 166
Langley Dorothy

Student 64
Langley Jack

Student 45
Larrabee William

Student 65
Lasseter Charles

Student 60, 93, 118
Lasseter Retha

Student 65
Lasseter Rogers

Student 80
Lasseter Roy

Student 56
Laster Juanita

Student 65
Laughlin William

Student 57, 87, 94
Lawler Mollie

Student 45, 54, 89, 98
Lawless Irene

Student 78
Lawless Mary Margaret
Student 78
Lawry Frank

Student 64
Lawson Laura

Student 51
Lea Joe

Student 90, 119, 147, 150
Leary Margaret

Student 64
Leavell Charles

Student 65
Lee Frank

Student 68
Lee William

Student 90
Leighton Agnes

Student 57
Lemstra Mary Louise
Student 67
Lenzen Cleo

Student 78
Lester Inez

Student 115
Leuty L A
Student 67
Levenson Bessy Dorothy
Student 46, 54
Licata Alex

Student 64
Ligenfelter Ann

Student 112
Linebaugh N L
Faculty 35
Linebaugh N L
Student 80
Lingenfelter Barbara

Student 72, 165, 166
Link Bennie Lee
Student 41, 96, 98
Linn Mrs. O M
Student 109
Litter Esther

Student 42, 115
Littlejohn Wallace

Student 76
Lloyd Marguerite

Student 78
Lockhart Ray

Student 67, 107
Lockridge Patrick

Student 89
Lombardi Anna

Student 80
Long Grace

Faculty - History 24, 121
Long Harold

Student 57, 61, 101, 113, 122
Long Maybelle

Faculty - Physical Training 24, 165, 167
Loomis Elizabeth

Student 56, 96, 98, 168
Loper Herman

Student 34, 105, 155
Lopez Bertha

Student 80
Lopez Leo

Student 80
Lopez Manuel

Student 64
Lorentzen Julia

Student 57, 166
Louchausen Woodruf

Student 79
Love Cornelia

Student 56, 91, 98
Lovelace Leola

Student 52, 96, 98
Lovelace Willis

Student 68
Lovette George

Student 76
Lowe Phyllis

Student 80
Lozano Josephine

Student 70, 110
Lucero Erline

Student 68
Luckett Margaret

Student 67
Lucy Sam

Student 85
Lundy Jack

Student 77
Lung Ruby Pearl
Student 67
Lyles Mamie Hall
Faculty - Librarian 24
Lyles William

Student 67, 89
Lynch Crocker

Student 68
Lynch George

Student 72, 93, 161
Lynch Louise

Student 68
Mackay Charles

Student 76
Madrid Josephine

Student 76
Maese Louis

Student 94
Maese Mary Louise
Student 109
Magee Helen

Student 68, 166
Magee Shirley

Student 78
Magruder Bill

Student 56, 119, 162
Magruder Jim

Student 56, 162
Magruder Mary

Student 68, 73
Malone Martha

Student 51, 87
Malone Thomas / Tom Henry
Student 49, 97
Manago Mary

Student 68
Mangan Wileau

Student 81
Manker Evelyn

Student 39, 54
Mann Dorris

Student 67
Mann Elizabeth

Student 64
Mann Homer

Student 58
Mann Louise

Student 68
Mann Robert

Student 119, 147, 150, 155
Mann Ruth

Student 120, 166, 168
Manning Dee

Student 95
Manning Duncan

Student 67, 120
Maple Howard

Student 68
March Martha Margaret
Student 42, 54, 112
Marchan Maria

Student 78
Marion Jack

Student 68, 95
Markowitz Abe

Student 76
Marner Merlin

Student 77
Marshall C Burton
Student 49, 96, 101
Marshall Mildred

Student 65
Marshall Muriel

Student 77
Martch Edward

Student 61, 105, 119, 155, 157, 161
Marteeny Robert

Student 68
Martin Beatrice

Student 67
Martin David

Student 77
Martin George

Student 76
Martin Stella Louise
Student 72
Martinez Jose

Student 67
Marusich Paul

Student 161
Matchett / Matchette Dorothy

Student 56, 64
Mathews Raymon

Student 68
Mattingly George

Student 77
Maxon Howard

Student 77
Maxon Katherine

Student 67
McBride Caroline

Faculty - Commerce 25
McBroom J H
School Board - President 16, 35
McCallom V

Student 95
McCann Eva Elizabeth
Student 46, 54
McClesky Allen

Student 72
McClintock Dorothy

Student 77
McClintock Marion

Student 90, 98
McCollom Victor

Student 67
McConachie Lawrence

Student 56, 94
McCune Harvey

Student 95, 120
McDonald Hartford

Student 76
McDonald Jennings

Student 57, 105, 132, 145
McDonald Lena Louise
Student 32
McDonnell Helen

Student 52, 94, 98
McDowell Lucille

Student 58, 96, 98
McElroy Sturgeon

Student 80
McGraw Garland

Student 76, 81
McGraw Helen

Student 77
McGregor Della

Student 67
McKee Harvey

Student 93
McKenna Katherine

Student 67, 165
McKenzie Richard

Student 68
McKie Lena

Faculty - Study Hall Supervisor 25
McKinney Ansel

Student 68
McKinnon Charles

Student 80, 81
McKnight Arthur Lee
Student 47, 54, 94, 112
McKnight Lee

Student 68
McLean Donald

Student 41, 94
McLoy Ira

Student 76
McNutt Cecil

Student 161
Means Eloise

Student 77
Means John

Student 41, 95
Melendez Consuelo

Student 64
Mellado Otilia

Student 77
Menchaca Carmen

Student 68
Mender Mary

Student 64
Mendoza Salvador

Student 68, 89, 120
Mercado Rodolfo

Student 68
Mershon Ashley

Student 67
Mesias Panzon

Student 161
Metcalf Richard

Student 68, 95
Metcalfe Elbert

Student 91
Middleton Evelyn

Student 64
Miller Charles

Student 70
Miller Dolores

Student 78
Miller Dorr

Student 67
Miller Hubert

Student 80
Miller Margaret

Faculty - Science 25
Miller Mary Louise
Student 43
Miller Russel

Student 65
Millican Daisy L
Student 39
Millican Howard

Student 68
Mills Rudelle

Student 60
Miranda Ernest

Student 67
Mitchell Jack

Student 68, 92
Mitchell Margaret

Student 58, 166
Molina Felisa

Student 68
Molina M

Student 75, 81, 84, 100
Molina Merced

Student 76
Monk Clara Bell
Student 80
Monk Glendine

Student 78
Monroe Charles

Student 76
Monroe Rodney

Student 66
Montgomery Leroy

Student 64
Moon Robert / Bob Bruce
Student 47, 97
Moore Alberta

Student 57, 166
Moore Douglas

Student 44
Moore Elizabeth Louise
Student 32, 34
Moore Evelyn

Student 68
Moore Glen

Student 72, 120
Moore John

Student 72
Moore L W
Student 64
Moore Mark

Student 80
Moore Mary Louise
Student 67
Moore Mildred

Student 57, 87, 98, 112
Moore William

Student 67, 114
Morgan Mary

Student 66
Morgan Wilma

Student 110
Morris Bertie

Student 97
Morris Betty Mae
Student 80, 81, 127
Morris Guidry

Student 76
Morrison Grace

Student 40
Morrison John

Student 65, 94
Morse Josephine

Student 45, 54
Mosley Ella Mae
Student 68
Mottinger Vernon Rex
Student 36, 94, 97, 118
Moutray Hugh

Student 80
Muerdter Kurt

Student 68
Mulcahy Dee

Student 58
Munoz Alfonso

Student 80
Munoz Carmen

Student 67
Munoz Manuel

Student 122
Munoz Susana

Student 72
Munson Aubury

Student 67
Murff Sarita

Student 61, 166
Murray Randolph

Student 95, 115, 121
Myer Helen

Student 78
Nabhan Elizabeth

Student 79
Nations Carolyn Sowall
Student 39
Nations Herbert

Student 91
Naudin Delfina

Student 72
Navarette Jose

Student 89, 162
Neal Martha Adelia
Faculty - Study Hall Supervisor 28
Neeley Margaret

Student 68
Nelson Josephine

Student 42, 54, 166
Nelson Lewie

Student 64
Neugebauer Virgil / Virgie / Virgin

Student 96, 111, 119, 147, 150
Neuner August

Student 68
Newman Louise

Student 122
Newman Rubena

Student 67
Newton Patty

Student 52, 61, 101, 104, 122
Nichols Grant

Student 67
Nicholson Alkie

Student 76
Nicholson Emma

Student 68
Niedermeier Valerie

Student 117
Norris Oliver

Student 77
Norte F

Student 91
North Julia

Student 57, 90, 98
North Ruth

Student 67
Norton Fred

Student 77
Norton Herbert

Student 68
Norton Marcus

Student 68
Norwood Louie

Student 92
Nudermier Valerie

Student 65
Null Alvin E
Faculty - Head of History Dept 25, 121
O'Bryan Lois

Student 122
Oden Alonzo

Student 65, 93
Off Leno

Student 65
Oldham Helen

Faculty - English 25
Olivas Elisa

Student 80
Oliver Clodie

Student 54
Oliver Frances

Student 166
Oliver Robert

Student 112
O'Neal Mary

Student 77
O'Neal Prentiss

Student 77
Orgain Bessie

Student 65
Orme-Johnson Helen

Student 46
Ornelas Margaret

Student 110
O'Rourke Donald

Student 161
O'Rourke Frank

Student 68
O'Rourke James

Student 71, 94
Orrison Lowell

Student 76
Ortiz Joe

Student 76
Osborne Merrill

Student 161
Oseransky Beatrice / Bernice

Student 67, 73, 122
Oseransky Isadore

Student 79, 92
Oseransky Sarah

Student 67
Ostrom Robert

Student 39, 118
Otto Johnnie

Student 94
Outlaw Evelyn

Student 98, 112
Overman Genevieve

Student 65, 117
Owen Jerome

Student 119, 147, 149
Page Floyd

Student 68, 91
Palmer Carolyn

Student 77
Pancheco Trinidad

Student 78
Parker Barbara

Student 72, 73
Parker Mary Dorothy
Student 67
Parker Virginia

Student 58, 96, 106
Parrott Dorothy

Student 60
Pastore Joe

Student 76
Patterson Edith

Student 67
Patterson George

Student 120
Patterson Lola Faye
Student 67
Patton Mary

Student 79
Paul Louis

Student 58
Payan Pedro

Student 65
Payne John
Jr Student 1, 2, 38, 102, 107, 114, 161
Peek LaVora

Student 68
Perez Elena

Student 66
Perez Luz

Student 66
Perkins Dorothy

Student 51, 93, 98
Perry Charles

Student 37
Perry Clodie Oliver
Student 37
Perry Frances

Student 56
Peticolas Alfred

Student 65
Peticolas John

Student 121
Pharr Myrtle

Faculty - English 25
Phaup Harvey

Student 147, 152
Phillips Billy

Student 68
Phillips Opal

Student 65, 117
Phippeny Laura

Student 68
Pickering James

Student 65, 95
Pickles William

Student 36, 90
Pickrell Mignon

Student 56, 91, 98
Pierce Merlin

Student 68
Pierce Paul

Student 76
Pierce Pete

Student 80, 81
Pierce Winston

Student 69
Piggott Irma L
Faculty - Spanish 25
Pinto Rita

Student 67
Piper W R
School Board 16
Place E J
Faculty - ROTC 26, 85
Placencia H

Student 95
Poe Margaret

Student 43, 117
Pollock Cecil

Student 119, 147, 151, 153
Ponce Consuelo

Student 77
Ponce Fred

Student 72
Ponsford George

Student 76, 81, 155, 158, 161
Ponsford Lucille

Student 96, 98
Ponsford Pearl

Faculty - History 26
Ponsford Reginald

Student 68
Ponsford Ruby A
Registrar 18
Poppenhusen Melvin

Student 33, 34
Porcher Stoney

Student 90, 97
Porter Lamar

Student 80
Praeger Walter

Manager, El Paso Telephone Company 118
Pratt Mary

Student 59, 104, 117
Pratt Melba

Student 59
Pratt Trucy

Student 65, 95
Price Louise

Student 68, 115
Price Malcolm

Student 72
Prieto David

Student 76
Pritchard Laura Ellen
Student 66, 73, 122
Pritchett Austin

Student 69, 73
Pritchett Curtis

Student 66
Proctor Ben

Student 65
Provincis Luz

Student 80
Puckett Mrs C A
Assistant Registrar 18
Qualtrough Morrison

Student 65, 90
Quarles Frances

Student 65
Quinlin James

Student 72
Quinn Billy

Student 76, 81, 91
Quinn Edwina

Student 70
Quiroz Leonela

Student 79
Radford Gladys

Student 65, 117
Railston Louis

Student 61, 119, 147, 148, 153
Rainey Carroll

Student 147, 151
Ramirez Marguerita

Student 78
Rapley Opal

Student 72
Rau Max

Student 70
Ravel Victor

Student 78, 81, 107, 114, 122
Ravel Vincent

Student 69
Ravel Vivette

Student 166
Rawlings James

Student 65
Rawlings Ruth Mott
Faculty - Physical Training 26, 166
Rawlins J

Student 90
Redic Robert

Student 65
Reedman Lillian

Student 69
Regan Beulah

Student 77
Reinhardt Mary

Student 70
Reiver Ruth Monique
Student 43
Rey Esperanza

Student 66
Rey Mary

Student 69
Reynolds Bertha

Faculty - English 28
Reynolds Nadine

Student 76
Rhodes Harold

Student 56, 107, 107
Rieves Velma

Student 110
Riggs Ella Roy
Student 65
Riggs Jesselyn

Student 38, 90, 98
Rigney Eugenia

Student 69
Ringer Allimae

Student 72
Ringer John

Student 43, 96, 97, 112, 119
Rister Frances

Student 69
Riter Louis

Student 65
Ritter John

Student 69
Rivera Marguerita

Student 65
Robbins Jacob

Student 66, 114
Robbins Pearl

Student 78, 110
Roberson Gerald

Student 114
Roberson Martha G
Faculty - Commerce 26
Roberts Agnes

Student 89, 98
Roberts Alice

Student 58
Roberts G C
Student 76, 92, 112
Roberts Harry

Student 51, 119, 155, 158, 161
Roberts Helen

Student 69
Robertson Tom

Student 72
Robertson W E
School Board 16
Robey Lynetta

Student 69
Robinson Blanch

Student 79
Robison G W
Faculty - ROTC 26, 85
Rodarte Delta

Student 64
Rodarte Joe

Student 96
Rodela Anna

Student 69
Rodela Esperanza

Student 80
Rodgers Hoey

Student 53, 119, 155, 157
Rodriguez Blaza

Student 69, 73, 110, 165, 167
Rodriguez Petra

Student 78
Rogers Bill

Student 71
Rogers Carolyn

Student 66
Rogers Lena Maxine
Student 66
Rogers Maxine

Student 66
Rogers Miles

Student 66
Rojas Emma

Student 78
Rojos Ofelia

Student 79
Rokahr Merle

Student 79, 81
Rosas Amelia

Student 79
Rosas Ramon

Student 92
Rosas Ramon

Student 59
Rosemond Arthur

Student 59
Rosenburg Joseph

Student 78, 81, 107
Rosenfield Leon

Student 57, 95
Routledge Elizabeth

Faculty - Spanish 26
Russell Frances

Student 168
Russell Pauline

Student 70, 110
Russell William

Student 104
Rutherford John

Student 79
Sackett Albert K
Student 36
Sacra John

Student 76
Sada Alfred

Student 65, 92, 155
Saenger Milliard

Student 76
Saenz Ester

Student 66
Salazar Manuel

Student 66
Sancedo Mariana

Student 79
Sanchez Carlos H
Student 48, 54, 155
Sanchez Teresa

Student 43, 54
Sanders Dorothy

Student 72, 117
Sanders Elizabeth

Student 39
Saunders David

Student 64
Saunders Gertrude

Student 51, 93
Saunders Lucille

Student 37, 96, 98, 128
Savage Margaret

Student 76
Savage Mary Frances
Student 167
Savely James

Student 93
Scaife Dorothy Page
Student 59
Schaer Arthur

Student 2, 38, 54, 91, 102, 122
Schamp Mable

Student 37, 103, 104, 118
Schermerhorn Walling

Student 70
Schmidt Mary Ellen
Student 60, 166
Schneider Ethel

Student 42
Schnelle Gretchen

Student 66, 91, 98
Schnelle H G
Student 66
Schourup Edward

Student 77
Schreffler Willie

Student 93, 147, 152, 155, 161
Schuck Dorris

Student 70
Schutz Elfrida

Student 72
Scott Blanche

Student 70, 110
Scott Mary

Student 80, 110
Scurlock Jack

Student 70
Seddon Alfred

Student 45, 54, 94
Seddon Wade

Student 66
Sellars Billy

Student 166
Semple Dick

Student 67
Sewell Essie Mae
Student 79
Shannon W T
Student 65
Shaw Susie

Student 67
Shindell G

Student 96
Shone Louis

Student 51, 93, 101, 107
Shook Betty

Student 79
Short Weldon

Student 68
Shreve C J
Faculty 85
Shutz Frank

Student 68
Sickles Lila Marjorie
Student 43
Sierveld Frederick

Music Conductor 120
Silberg Henrietta

Student 48, 115
Simon Marcus

Student 66, 73, 119, 147, 149, 155, 161
Simpson Richard

Student 119, 134, 147, 151
Sims Beatrice

Student 42, 122
Smith Albert

Student 112
Smith Ange

Reverend 54
Smith Charles

Student 58, 93
Smith Edward

Student 76
Smith Elna

Student 41, 87, 98
Smith Eugenia

Student 38, 54, 96, 98, 101, 112
Smith Frank

Student 72
Smith Helen

Student 59
Smith Juanita

Student 72
Smith Lola Bess
Faculty - History 26
Smith Lucien

Student 66
Smith Lucille

Faculty - Mathematics 26
Smith Madeline

Student 77, 166
Smith Maurine

Student 58, 110, 165
Smith Mildred

Student 76
Smith Milton

Student 39, 92
Smith Roy

Student 70
Smith Travis

Student 47, 90
Snoddy Mae

Student 70
Snyder Eula

Student 36
Soles Celia

Student 77
Soltner Lucille

Student 46
Soniat Lucille

Student 60
Sorenson Richard

Student 70, 89
Soulhas Nell

Student 78
Sparks Dorothy

Student 70
Sparks Gladys

Student 32
Sparks Jack

Student 68
Sparks Sam

Student 91, 119, 161
Speaker Norman

Student 95, 161
Stallings William Sidney
Student 30, 107
Stanfield Grace

Student 46
Stanton Dorothy

Student 72
Stark Emma

Student 78, 110
Staten Ruth

Student 66
Steele Julia

Student 66
Stern Sidney

Student 66
Sterzing Virginia Lee
Student 39, 54
Stevens John

Student 95
Stevenson John

Student 70
Stewart Dan

Student 72, 73, 107
Stewart Harley

Student 48
Stewart Russell

Student 48
Stice Leslie F
Student 32
Stigler W A
Student 35
Stine Eleanor

Student 57
Stoltz Ralph

Student 161
Stone Elizabeth

Student 66
Stone Walter

Student 77, 95, 120
Stowe Kathleen

Student 46
Stradley Bessie

Student 36, 54, 95, 98
Straley John

Student 37
Stroup Velma

Student 59, 121
Strovall Geneva

Student 76
Sullivan George

Student 48, 89
Sullivan Gordon

Student 65
Sullivan Stella

Student 68
Sullivan William / Bill

Student 105, 119, 147, 151, 153, 155, 157
Sully Gerard

Student 47
Swain Robert

Student 66, 95
Swatt Maurice

Student 58
Swindell George

Student 95
Swindell Glen

Student 57
Taff Blanche

Student 69
Taff Mackie

Student 69
Talley Maggie Joe
Faculty - Spanish 27
Talpis Clarice

Student 66, 165
Tapper B W
Faculty - Manual Training Specialist 27
Tardy Jack

Student 69
Taylor Joseph Campbell Jr Student 44, 92
Taylor May

Student 69
Taylor Raymond

Student 112
Teague Clyde

Student 66
Tellez Aurora

Student 80
Terrazas Amelia

Student 69
Terrell Frank

Student 72
Terrell Thomas

Student 38, 95, 101
Tessier Ronald

Student 69
Tetsuro Sato

Student 80
Thomas Bessie

Student 69
Thomas Dane

Student 72
Thomas Sarah

Student 58
Thompson June

Student 69
Thompson Marjorie

Faculty - English 27
Thompson Ralph

Student 90
Thompson William

Student 95
Thornberry Edna

Student 49
Thornberry Harold

Student 65
Tiffany Marian

Student 65
Tillman Dorothy

Student 80
Tillman Harold

Student 41, 54, 92
Tillson Helen

Student 42
Timm William / Willie H
Student 45, 54, 161
Tipton Mary

Student 65
Titsworth Dick

Student 65
Todd Inez

Student 92, 98
Tolbert Gale

Student 162
Tomas Clarence

Student 76
Tomlinson Louise

Student 70
Tovar Humberto

Student 161
Townshend Lawrence

Student 89
Trachtenberg Abe

Student 69
Trammel Earl

Student 69
Travis Bob

Student 107, 119, 131, 147, 149, 153, 161
Travis Brooks

Student 50, 119, 161
Travis Gene Young
Student 66, 73, 106, 115, 130
Trayler / Traylor Will A
Student 59, 90, 107
Treat Beatrice

Student 66
Treloar Ellen Keast
Faculty - Public Speaking Instructor 27
Trespalacios Alfonso

Student 69
Trespalacios Carmen

Student 69
Trojillo Feliticas

Student 69
Trumbo Curtis

Student 65
Tschantre Luis

Student 80
Tupper Annie Mae
Student 69, 73
Turner Frances

Student 65
Tweedy Allen

Student 69
Tyner Erma Louise
Student 32, 115
Valdespino Albert

Student 91, 161
Valdespino Genevieve

Student 78
Valencia Hector

Student 79, 114
Valentine Helen

Faculty - Assistant to the Librarian 28
Valles Alfonso

Student 79
VanBruggen Anna

Student 76
Vance Dorothy

Student 58
Vandemoer J

Student 90
VanGasbeek W

Faculty? 2
Vaverka Leo

Student 80
Veck Bill

Student 94, 162
Velasquez Magdalina

Student 72
Vermillion John

Student 72
Vick Olive

Student 38, 53, 95, 98
Vincent Jack

Student 79, 112
Virgil Carlos

Student 70
Volden Floyd

Student 66
Student 10, 81, 83, 124, 141, 174
Waddell Sara

Student 31
Wade Ed

Student 61, 88
Wade Edward

Student 66
Wafer Rina

Student 72
Waite Willard

Student 33
Walker Elizabeth

Faculty - Domestic Science 27
Walker Ellen

Student 66
Walker Julia

Faculty - Domestic Science 27
Walker William / Bill

Student 72, 91
Wallis Mitchell

Student 71
Waltermire Marcus

Student 66, 95
Walters Bedford

Student 66
Walton Quinn

Student 59, 155, 161
Ward Harriet

Student 70
Ward Maude

Student 51
Ward Nora Bradley
Faculty - English 28, 104
Warden Homer

Student 79
Warden Milton "Knothead"

Student 61, 119, 147, 150, 156, 156
Ware Alfred

Student 66
Warner M A
School Board 16
Warren Laura Yarnall
Faculty - History 27
Warren Lloyd

Student 66
Washburn Alwyn

Student 76
Washburn Anna Louise
Student 70
Watson Gregory

Student 80
Watson John

Student 95
Weaver Francis

Student 76, 81, 162
Webb Ann / Anne

Student 56, 89, 98, 165
Webster Frank

Student 51, 54, 88, 115
Weinger Joseph

Student 76
Weiss Marcus

Student 46, 155, 161
Wellington Ernest

Student 92
Wells Johnny

Student 72
West Pete

Student 80
White Argyra

Student 81, 126
White Dorothy

Student 66, 96, 98
White Dorris

Student 71
White Helen Frances
Student 32, 47
White J B
Student 66
White Jeanette

Student 79
White Sara

Student 66
White Wyndham / Wyndam Kemp
Student 45, 54, 107
Whitlock Jane

Student 56, 88, 98, 166
Whitney Bob

Student 76
Wickstead Edwin

Student 93
Wickstead Robert

Student 69
Wilcher Frances

Student 66
Wilden Ardis

Student 52, 104, 117
Wildstein Ida

Student 46
Wildstein Mildred

Student 66
Wiley Hal

Student 79
Wiley Hayden

Student 90, 161
Wilkey Scott

Student 44, 53, 96, 97, 107, 119, 147, 149, 153, 162
Williams Christine

Student 78
Williams Florence

Student 60
Williams Inez

Student 69
Williams John

Student 80
Williams Louisa

Student 58, 166
Williams Rosalie

Student 66
Wilmarth J C
School Board 16
Wilson Ansel

Student 51, 95, 120
Wilson Clarence

Student 76
Wilson Dick

Student 66, 166
Wilson Frank

Student 91
Wilson Melvin

Student 95, 120
Wilson Vivian

Student 72
Wilson Winifred M
Faculty - Commerce 27
Wimberley W W
Faculty - Manual Training 28
Wingo Margaret

Student 110
Winkler Agnes

Student 66
Winter Bill

Student 72
Winter Isabel

Faculty - English 28
Winter Ward

Student 52
Winton Minnie

Cafeteria Assistant Manager 123
Wisda Marjorie

Student 58, 88, 98
Witherspoon Josephine Marr
Dean of Girls 18, 108, 109, 116, 136
Witholder Tony Bell
Student 78
Witt Louis

Music Conductor 120
Witz Weston

Student 76
Wonner Celia

Student 41, 101, 122
Wood Anna Bell
Student 78
Wood Forrest

Student 38, 115
Wood Sarah

Student 66, 166
Woodhouse Julian

Student 66, 95
Woodward Irma

Student 66
Worden Robert

Student 59, 89
Wright Helen

Student 66, 117
Wright J A
School Board 16
Wright Jane

Student 58
Wright Mary

Student 70
Wright Smith

Student 66
Wylie Harold A
Student 47, 54
Wylie Robert

Student 69, 95
Yanez Velma

Student 76
Yarborough Ida Lee
Student 70, 110
Young Edward

Student 76, 81
Young King

Student 69
Young Louise

Student 66
Young Michael

Student 91
Young Stanley A
Student 48, 54
Zea Urban

Student 78
Ziler Doyle

Student 70
Zlabovsky David

Student 89
Zlabovsky Ruth

Student 78
Zwick Fred

Student 76, 81

Companies that had advertisements in the back of the yearbook

Company Name(s) shown in ad Page
American Furniture Co
Austin Music Shop
Beach's Art Shop
Bergner's Studio
Chocolate Shop, The
Cleanwell Cleaners and Dyers
Clover Shop, The Feffer, Louie 196
Clover Shop, The Baker, Joe 196
Consumer's Ice & Fuel Co
Cordell Drug Co
De Kyle Smith
Dent Theatres (Palace, Ellanay, and Wigwam)
Dunn's Music House
El Paso China Co
El Paso Electric Company Walker, Tom P 191
El Paso Gas Company
El Paso Ice Cream Company
El Paso Optical Co
El Paso Piano Co
El Paso Trade Bindery Daeuble, Louis 189
Elite Laundry Co
Ellanay Confectionery, The
Empire Produce Corporation
Fashion, The
First National Bank
Fleischer & Alberts
Foutz-Moore Furniture Co
Fred J Feldman Co
Guarantee Shoe Co
Gunning & Casteel Drug Co
Harry Swain Shop, The
Hotel Paso Del Norte
International Business College Williams, J B 177
J Stolaroff Co
Jenkins Music Co
Johnston's Pure Food Shop
Leo C Hartford Co
Mills Confectionery, The
Model Cleaners
Morehead's Busy Little Tailor Shop
Newway Markets
Norton Brothers
Pan-American Coffee Co, Inc
Piggly Wiggly
Popular Dry Goods Co, The
Purity Baking Company
Quick Tire Service Phillips, T B 179
Ready to Eat Shop, The
Schuhmann Photo Shop
Scott White Company
Sheldon Jewelry Co
Sol Berg Inc
Southwestern Engraving Company
Spears & Miller Ice Company
State National Bank
Stout-Feldman Portraits
Sunlite Baking Company
Thompson's Grocery
Tri-State Motor Co Kirkpatrick, J W 186
Tri-State Music Company Blackwell, Walter T 188
Union Clothing Co
Velvet Ice Cream
Walk-Over Boot Shop
White House, The

See the Page Views for this yearbook 

Austin High School 1930
Cathedral High School 1931
El Paso County School Annual 1924
El Paso High School 1889
El Paso High School 1900
El Paso High School 1911-12
El Paso High School 1912-13
El Paso High School 1913-14
El Paso High School 1915
El Paso High School 1916
El Paso High School 1917
El Paso High School 1919
El Paso High School 1920
El Paso High School 1921
El Paso High School &
El Paso Junior College
El Paso High School &
El Paso Junior College
El Paso High School 1924
El Paso High School 1925
El Paso High School 1926
El Paso High School 1927
El Paso High School 1928
El Paso High School 1929
El Paso High School 1930
El Paso School for Girls 1919
El Paso School for Girls 1928
Miscellaneous - Booklet
of schools in region.
Texas College of Mines 1925
Texas College of Mines 1928


Page updated October 16, 2013

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